Controlled Vocabulary

Looking for the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog?

Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog Sample for the Image Info Toolkit

NOTE: The samples below only work with the older version of the Image Info Toolkit. To request a sample of the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog (CVKC) that will work with version 3 (III), simply send email using the address on the Contact page and indicate which application you are using.

If you would like to see how a keyword catalog can make a difference in organizing your image database then download one of the samples below. Note, this sample catalog ONLY works with the Image Info Toolkit software version 2 (II). You will also need to already have a copy of the Image Info Toolkit already installed on your computer in order to "import" the keyword catalog data file. The full version of the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog (CVKC) is available from the products page. If you are interested in samples of the CVKC, note that both BreezeBrowser and Photo Mechanic have the samples installed by default. If you are interested in samples for one of the other applications, please email the webmaster.

You can read a review of the Image Info Toolkit program on this site, as well.

"I second that thought, ITT is a GREAT way to keyword your images and David Riecks's keyword collection for ITT is a GREAT base to start with and add your own keywords to it. Why reinvent the wheel, David has a very nice base of keywords that would get you going right away. And ITT software could not be easier to use."

Hisham Ibrahim
Getty, Corbis, Mira, AGE, Alamy

Step-by-Step instructions for downloading and installing the sample file*.

CVsample.sit(Macintosh®) *              (Windows®)

To download the Stuffed or Zipped version of the "cvsample.ekw" file click on the appropriate link above. If this doesn't prompt a download, note your browser and operating system and try one of the options below:

Safari browser on OSX: hold down the ctrl key and click on the link above, choose "Download Link to Disk" from the pop-up menu. The file will be downloaded to your desktop or default download folder.
MSIE browser on OSX: Click on ".SIT" link above if you have Stuffit expander installed as a helper application for your browser.
MSIE browser on OS9: click on the link and hold the cursor down. A menu should appear, choose the option to "Save Link to Disk" or equivalent. The file will be downloaded to your desktop or default download folder.
Netcape browser on OS9: click and hold on the on the filename link until the pop-up menu appears. Choose the option to "Save Link As" or equivalent. A standard "Save As" Dialog box will appear, choose where you wish to download the file and click OK. The file will be downloaded to your desktop or default download folder.
MSIE on Windows OS: right-click on the file until the pop-up menu appears. Choose the option to "Save Target As" or equivalent. A standard "Save As" Dialog box will appear, choose where you wish to download the file and click OK. The file will be downloaded to the folder you selected.
Netscape on Window OS: right-click on the file until the pop-up menu appears. Choose the option to "Save Link As" or equivalent. A standard "Save As" Dialog box will appear, choose where you wish to download the file and click OK. The file will be downloaded to the folder you selected.

*indicates that the file has been compressed using a Aladdin® Systems Stuffit. To expand a file with this extension, you must have a Stuffit application such as the free Stuffit Expander. This format should be used when you download directly to your Macintosh® computer, it should not be used when downloading from a Windows® computer.

After Downloading:

Unzip, or Unstuff the file and place the "cvsample.ekw" in the same folder as the Image Info Toolkit.

Launch the Image Info Toolkit application.

From the Keywords menu, click on the Keyword Catalog item (or hold down the control/command key while pressing the letter K). This will launch the Keyword Catalog window/dialog box.

From the Keywords menu, click on the Import menu item. This will open a new dialog box/window titled, Keyword catalog - import.

In this window click on the choose button to the left of the line titled Import doc path.

This will reveal a standard "open" dialog box/window. Navigate to where you placed the unzipped/unstuffed version of the "cvsample.ekw" file, select it and choose Open. This will place you back at the Keyword catalog - import window. If there is an existing catalog in place you will see a checkbox to Overwrite existing catalog. If you want this sample to displace whatever you have already created then check this box. If you don't, the sample file will be added in addition to your existing set of keywords.

Click on the OK button, and your sample keywords will be loaded into the Image Info Toolkit.

How to use your keyword catalog sample.

Use the find field in the lower left corner of the Keyword Catalog window. Type in the word "duck" (without the quotations) and press Enter.

You should be taken to the Animal >> Wildlife >> Birds >>Duck location on the Animal "branch" of the hierarchy.

Press and hold the mouse button down as you drag-and-drop the word duck to the Keyword field of the Image Info Toolkit main window. Note, if you are using the group-wise input "skin" (in IIT parlance the group-wise input "mask"), you will need to make sure that the Area pulldown menu is set to Keywords. I prefer to use the single-window "skin/mask" as I don't have to worry about having the right section selected.

Like magic, the keywords and all the synonyms for those words are transferred, alphabetized and placed each on a single line in the keyword field.

How to deal with Multiple Meanings?

Next, let's try a search for the keyword "pig" by typing that word into the find field.

This time we don't go directly to the location, as this keyword can occur for both pigs in the wild, as well as those raised on farms. Instead we are greeted with a new dialog box/window that states, "pig" was found in several branches, please choose the desired branch!

Below that, are two lines, one says, livestock > pig, and the other says mammal > pig. If you click on the one that says mammal > pig, then you see the full branch for that keyword (which is animal >> wildlife >> mammal >> pig). If you drag and drop that keyword, you'll also get synonyms like "feral pig" that are transferred as well. If you chose livestock > pig, then you might have also noticed that there was an additional black triangle to the left of the word "pig." Anytime you see one of these, this means that there are additional levels to that branch of the keyword hierarchy. Just double click on the word, and a new column will appear to the right. Sometimes this means that the upper most categories disappear off the left side of the window. Don't worry, they are still there. Just click on the double sided black triangles in the lower right hand corner (the ones at the end of what could be mistaken for a progress bar). Clicking on the arrow pointing left will take you back a level.

Want More?

The full version of the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog is completed. See the order page for details.

*DISCLAIMER: The decision to download any of these files is up to you; we are not responsible for the use, functionality, appearance, or management of the actual application so your mileage may vary, please backup your system and only work on copies of files until you are assured of proper performance. We cannot provide any further advice or assistance in using this software. This add-on to the IIT software is supplied 'as is', and you, by making use thereof, are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and suitability for your purpose. In no event will Controlled Vocabulary be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Contact the appropriate authorities with any questions.

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