Controlled Vocabulary

Special Pricing on the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog now available!

The full version of the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog can be imported into all current versions (mac or windows) of the Image Info Toolkit (separate purchase is required). Version 2.0 contains approximately 5,000 terms organized in a hierarchical structure.

The 27 top level hierarchies can be seen in this composite screen capture.
Top Level Hierarchies in the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog.

Information on how to download your selection will be sent automatically to the email address you provide, within 24 hours or less after payment. Included in that message will be a URL, along with a username and password.

You can concentrate on your keywording instead of creating and maintaining a keyword catalog with a"subscription"* to the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog. You will receive periodic update notifications and have password protected access to the download location. Updates will include a file with changes noted from the previous version, allowing you an easy way to integrate the update with your version if you have made additions. Official PayPal Seal
"SPECIAL" CV Keyword Catalog + 1 yr. of subscription updates...
*the use of the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog is subject to the following terms and conditions.


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